
Message du CEJC à l’occasion de Pâques

Message du CEJC à l’occasion de Pâques  Click here to read this message in english Chaque année, certaines journées et périodes nous mettent en face d’histoires qui nous rappellent des points importants en matière de justice. Songez par exemple au « Mois de l’histoire...

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CCJC Easter message 2017

Easter Greetings From CCJC Cliquez ici pour lire le version française  There are days and seasons in our year where we encounter stories that point to important questions of justice. Recall February as “Black History Month,” or even “National Aboriginal Day” (do you...

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Warm Christmas Greetings From CCJC

La version française suit Warm Christmas greetings to our friends, colleagues and supporters! Rev. David Steele serves on the CCJC Board of Directors representing the United Church of Canada. He spent twenty years in full-time ministry with the Salvation Army in...

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Monday: Restorative Justice Week 2016

Restorative Justice Week is here! The Church Council on Justice and Corrections (CCJC) is excited to announce the start of Restorative Justice Week 2016. It is an annual international event that seeks to increase public awareness and engagement with principles and...

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Summer Student 2016

CCJC is hiring a summer student position.  Join our small team and spend the summer researching and promoting restorative justice. The Church Council on Justice and Corrections located in Ottawa, Ontario is pleased to offer an 8-week restorative justice coordinator...

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CCJC President: Rev. Sharon Dunlop

Board Member Profile: Rev. Sharon Dunlop, CCJC President “Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more difficult than to understand him.”  - Fyodor Dostoyevsky Restorative approaches to justice have been with us for thousands of years however the...

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Easter Message 2016

CCJC Easter Reflection 2016 The stories that give us the great festival of Easter invariably begin in the resilience of morning … in the great conspiracy of life to emerge through darkness into light … in the re-enactment of earth’s oldest ritual … in the turning of...

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