Member Denominations
The Canadian Council of Churches and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops co-founded The Church Council on Justice and Corrections in 1972. CCJC was formed to unite denominations to promote a faith view of justice. Many of our denominations are also actively involved in the area of justice. Our six member denominations listed below appoint the majority of board members.

The Anglican Church of Canada
For information about the ACC’s work in social justice click here.

Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
For information about the Catholic Connections in Restorative Justice click here.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada
For information about the ELCC’s work in compassionate justice click here.

Mennonite Central Committee Canada
For information about MCC Canada’s work in restorative justice click here.

The Presbyterian Church in Canada
For information about the PCC’s Justice Ministries click here.
The United Church of Canada
For information about the UCC’s work in social justice click here.