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Victims of crime seek to be understood in order to make sense of their lives in the aftermath of crime. Many agencies work with victims to help them claim their rights and to offer services designed to help them meet their needs. Recognizing that the current judicial systems are predominantly focused on the offender, the Church Council on Justice and Corrections (CCJC) organized a Forum to explore what these needs are and to showcase services tailored to meet them.

This Forum is a follow-up to last year’s consultation on pastoral care for victims, at which we identified a lack of resources for victims of crime throughout the country. This year, the theme of the Forum was “Victims’ Needs, Why Should I Care?” Our objective was to identify new initiatives that foster personal growth and to invite the providers of those initiatives to share their experiences with one another. The forum created the opportunity for the sharing of real-life experiences by victims, as well as discussion and workshops about different programs and approaches.

Find more information about CCJC’s victims’ pastoral care work under publications.

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