CCJC: 40 Years of Inspiring Innovation
The theme for Restorative Justice week 2013 is “Inspiring Innovation.” The Church Council on Justice and Corrections has a long history of inspiring innovation in the field of restorative justice. For over 40 years CCJC has been at the forefront of public education and dialogue around restorative approaches to justice in an effort to create a more compassionate justice system. The Church Council has also recognized that public education also comes through action. CCJC has been heavily involved in a wide range of projects demonstrating the real world benefits of Restorative Justice. In the 1990’s CCJC implemented the pilot Collaborative Justice Program (CJP). The Collaborative Justice Program was a pilot project meant to demonstrate the application of restorative justice principles in cases of serious adult or youth crime. CJP is a now recognized for pioneering restorative approaches to serious crime.
Most recently CCJC has entered into the public dialogue through a major event highlighting alternatives to our current approach to corrections. On October 17, 2013 The Church Council hosted an evening conversation with Are Høidal, governor of Norway’s Halden prison. Halden prison is renowned for its humane approach to corrections and for extensive programs including programs based on principles of restorative justice. As we in Canada begin to look at expanding our prison system, Mr. Høidal’s talk was both informative and inspiring. Looking at innovations in the field and the successes of other countries is an important first step in opening public dialogue on these issues. With a wide range of attendees including government officials and criminal justice practitioners, it is our hope that people will be inspired by a new vision for our prison system here in Canada. For more information on Halden Prison please click here.
As we move forward we will continue to work towards opening dialogue, presenting alternatives, and inspiring innovations that are based on principles of restorative justice.
Restorative Justice Resources:
A Year of Reflection Pamphlet:
In 2012 CCJC launched a new members’ area to our website as part of the renewal under-taken to mark our 40th year of work. As part of this renewal we opened a discussion forum on our website ( to enhance our work and dialogue between our members and CCJC. Please click here to view the pamphlet containing the the reflection questions. We hope that this will offer a useful means of reflections on questions on justice within your community.
Justice Storytelling Quilt:
This year The Council is proud to have made a contribution to the Correctional Service Canada Restorative Justice Resource Kit. The article highlights our innovative Justice Storytelling Quilt.
Click here to read the article.
Click here to see the Restorative Justice section of our website, and view CCJC resources.
Click here to view to Correctional Service Canada Restorative Justice Week site.
Please see below for a list of Restorative Justice Week events in your area!
Ottawa, ON: November 14, 2013
The Ripple Effect of Victimization: How Restorative Justice can Calm the Waters
Click here for more information and how to register.
Halifax, NS: November 22, 2013
Community Justice Society Restorative Justice Conference, featuring author Shannon Moroney
Click here for more information.
Kingston, On: November 13, 2013
COSA Kingston Lunch and Learn, with guest speaker Andrew McWhinnie
Click here for more information.
Montreal, PQ: Sunday November 17, 2013
Ouverture de la semaine à l’Oratoire St-Joseph
Click here for more information.
Thursday November 21, 2013: Causerie au Cinéma du Parc
Click here for more information.
Friday November 22, 2013: Soirée clôture à l’Institut de pastorale des Dominicains
Click here for more information.
Saskatoon, SK: November 14, 2013
SK Restorative Justice Network is proud to host an Open House in recognition of Restorative Justice Week.
Click here for more information and to view the poster.
Toronto, ON: November 17-19, 2013
The National Restorative Justice Symposium
Click here for more information or to register.
Winnipeg, MB: November 20, 2013
Onashowewin Justice Circle Talent Show
Click here to view the event poster.
Winnipeg, MB: November 19, 2013
20th Anniversary Celebration of Restorative Resolutions
Click here for more information.
Winnipeg, MB: November 21, 2013
Film Presentation: “At Night I Fly” with special guest Jim Carlson
Click here for more information.