Research and Communications Coordinator

(Parental Leave Contract effective from July 15, 2013, to July 15, 2014)

Part Time (22.5 hours/wk)

The Research and Communications Coordinator does faith-based research from a Christian perspective on criminal justice in Canada while maintaining and facilitating CCJC communications logistics, structures and strategies. Based on this research, he/she develops national strategies and practical resource materials for maintaining communication links between CCJC, members, churches, the public and government. He/She assists the Executive Director in preparing statements and educating member churches and the general public; helps prepare position papers; assists the Executive Director in preparing presentations related to criminal justice legislation, policy & practice, and community participation in justice activities. She/he also seeks ways of increasing CCJC’s on-going communications capacity for dialogue with members and the public.

 Specifically, the tasks of the Research and Communications Coordinator are the following:

1. Provide faith-based research analysis and reflection to the Executive Director, board and volunteers on criminal justice in Canada based on community-strengthening approaches such as restorative justice.

2. Strengthen and develop national CCJC communication structures and strategies for consistent and timely communication to member churches and the general public about criminal justice in Canada and community-strengthening approaches to justice.

3. Prepare research content for position papers, briefs, presentations, website, key media messages for the Executive Director to present CCJC policy issues and criminal justice legislation.

4. Assist in the compilation of SAGE (electronic newsletter) with SAGE editor and volunteer contributors

5. Assist in the compilation CCJC’s Annual Report

6. Share in the supervision of volunteers, as designated

7. Supervise an administrative assistant in accomplishing the following:

  • Hard copy and online distribution of SAGE  
  • Ensure content of website is up to date
  • Post approved bulletins and alerts from Executive Director, Board and Volunteers.
  • Assemble, print and distribute CCJC’s Annual Report
  • Maintain logistics of CCJC’s on-line communications including but not limited to:

–          CCJC aspects of office administration related to communications

–          Recipient database and web content

–          Communications filing systems

–          Supervise communications and research students and support volunteers

8. Provide in-house translation for smaller alerts, communications etc.

9. Attend and report at CCJC board meetings.

10. Fulfill other communications and research related duties as specified by the Executive Director

To apply for this position, please submit a CV and cover letter electronically to CCJC’s Executive Director Janet Handy [] before June 17th, 2013.

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