The Church Council on Justice and Corrections changed its membership term to end with the completion of our fiscal year of March 31st. Annual memberships begin now on April 1st and end on March 31st of each year. Previously in September 2012 we accepted your six months membership at ½ our regular membership fee in order to accommodate new members joining us beginning October 1, 2012. 

It is now time to renew your membership for a full year if you have not already done so.  You can renew easily and efficiently by using the new PayPal feature on our website! (You will be directed to pay with PayPal after entering your member information here).

Our membership categories allow interested students and seniors, individuals, churches and affiliate organizations the opportunity to be part of a national coalition advocating a restorative, healing vision of justice.

CCJC members support the work of the Church Council and contribute to education, advocacy and community development initiatives that foster healthier communities and crime prevention through social responsibility.


Our new website allows you to sign-in through a members only portal which gives you access to a discussion forum and various resources, including future webinars

Membership in CCJC provides:

 Opportunities to attend events, forums and workshops on issues related to restorative justice and participate in policy dialogues that provide insight into Canada’s criminal justice system. Members can also advertise their events on CCJC’s website.

  • Access to information and expertise from key people in restorative justice and correction and a network with leading professionals and experts across Canada.
  • Subscription to CCJC Bulletins and Alerts which provide timely and relevant information about corrections, criminal justice and related policy and legislation.
  • Voting privileges at Annual General Meetings
  • Eligibility to join a board committee as member volunteer (Committee chair must be a board member)


 Membership Levels:


We welcome your membership and the voice of combined strength it will bring to our focus.  The categories of membership and cost are as follows:

  • Single Memberships $20: Students; 65 years and older.
  • Individuals $40: We welcome all individuals who share the compassionate vision of justice that CCJC promotes in its work.
  • Affiliate Memberships $70:  Justice Organizations, Parishes, Faith groupsAffiliate members are faith-based and secular groups who hold a similar passionate vision of a healthier society through the promotion of non-violence and restorative justice principles. Holding this membership allows such groups to join in alliance with CCJC through website statements and public education in the promotion of such principles.
  • Educational Institutions Membership: $100 – Educational memberships are held by colleges and universities, both secular and religious, who wish to receive bulletins and updates, email newsletter and educationally based research material on restorative justice and legislative change as well as current news and concerns of CCJC in its promotion of a non-violent society and a more socially responsible justice system. 


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