There are many ways you can get involved with our work:
1. Help raise awareness about the issues we bring to light
CCJC is well resourced to help you raise awareness both in your community and with your representatives in government. Do not hesitate to contact us at and we will be happy to work with you.
2. Become a CCJC member
CCJC relies on its members for advice or reflection in the fields they are most familiar with. CCJC members benefit from access to CCJC’s growing network of regional and local faith or community justice clusters, enjoy voting rights at CCJC’s Annual General Meeting and eligibility to be nominated as Board director.
3. Volunteer with CCJC
CCJC welcomes volunteers to help us with: researching policy issues; fundraising/marketing/communications; developing educational materials and resources; developing regional CCJC networks; maintaining our website; French translations; Database management; or other areas that you might be interested in collaborating with us.
Please contact our coordinator at for more information.
4. Make a financial contribution to CCJC
You can make a financial contribution to CCJC online through CanadaHelps:
Or, you can mail us your financial contribution by printing and mailing us this form with a cheque made payable to The Church Council on Justice and Corrections.
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