From Crime to Community: Issues in Crime and Reintegration

OCTOBER 4, 2012

The Saskatchewan Justice Institute will be hosting a one day symposium and inaugural lecture on Thursday, October 4, 2012. The full day event brings together diverse perspectives on emerging issues in crime and reintegration in order to raise public awareness about crime and the role we all play in preventing and reducing it.

The event will occur at the University Theatre, Riddell Centre, University of Regina,
3737 Wascana Parkway, from about 8:00 am to 9:30 pm on Thursday October 4, 2012.

No registration is required and the event is open to the public without charge.


There will be morning and afternoon keynote presentations and panel discussions about:

• Crime legislation: Bill C-10, the Safe Streets and Communities Act.

• First Nations & Métis reintegration issues of concern to offenders, victims, communities, families, and justice organizations.

The inaugural lecture will be delivered by Chief Wilton Littlechild between 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Chief Littlechild is a member of the Ermineskin First Nation of Alberta. In addition to running his own law firm, he chaired Saskatchewan’s Commission on First Nations and Métis Peoples and Justice Reform, served as a Member of Parliament from 1988–1993, was a parliamentary delegate to the United Nations, and served two terms as the North American representative to the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. Chief Littlechild is currently serving as a Commissioner on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

For more information, please contact Dr. Ken Montgomery, Director, Saskatchewan Justice Institute, University of Regina, at (306) 337-2570 or

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